March 10, 2009


Remember this fab Easter idea from Erika last year? See here and here. I have all the supplies and will be breaking out this idea when things get a little stir crazy and we are in need of something fun to do.

I was just doing a little digging to find the links and decided I may be heading to the store to get the supplies to make more of these Easter projects courtesy of my pal Seleta.

[Sadly there are no photos of my wreaths from last year so here is Seleta's]


  1. This is perfect for me because I think peeps are so cute, but way too much sugar for me to eat! :)

  2. too cute!
    Love the mirror too, btw. LOL

  3. So cute! I just bought an adorable yellow feather Easter wreath at HomeGoods...I'll be posting, of course! :)

  4. Oh you busted out the peeps. I forgot about that wreath! Hmmm, maybe I'll try it again this year. I'm fresh out of ideas.

  5. How fun! Please post pics when finished!


Thanks for the chat friends!