February 17, 2009


Fashion + Weather = Feather. A new fashion blog by one of my favorite bloggers Melisa from The Lil Bee; perfect for those of us who can't decide what to wear. She has a daily dose of fashion based on the the forecast so you can't go wrong.

OK so those of us desert dwellers may not need the coat but it's easy to adjust as necessary. Go check it out!


  1. What a fun concept! I'm headed over there now...

  2. I love feather! It is so smart! it;s not exactly made for cali weather, but I still like the ideas!

  3. I love Feather. Since I'm a new yorker the weather predications are always perfect for me. It's nice to get a little help when choosing out an outfit the night before.

  4. Thank you so much for the post, Sarah! You are so sweet and that totally just made my day:) xx


Thanks for the chat friends!