January 2, 2009

One of these days

While I'm at it with the closet maybe I should do the pantry and my spice cabinets. It's times like these that I wish I were a bit more OCD.

[image via Southern Living]


  1. Oh, I am OCD, but unfortunately not when it comes to my closets. I must resolve to conquer (chip away at) the mess in 2009. I love your blog, thanks for sharing!

  2. I am so with you on this, I so need perfection.

  3. I can FedEx you my extra OCD, as it can't be put to good use 75% of the time with my crazy life.

  4. What I would give for cabinets this organized! Of course with the frenetic way that I cook, they'd probably stay that way for about five minutes. Still, it would be lovely while it lasted!

    I did, however, organize my backlog of old magazines, and now they look SO pretty all stacked in order of date...sometimes I just open my closet and admire them!


Thanks for the chat friends!