December 22, 2008

What to do?

Just when you think you have it made of course you find out you don't. I thought I had avoided getting the kids' sniffles and alas now here I am with a cold just in time for Christmas. Other than that our weekend was super busy. We hosted a brunch on Saturday morning and a family dinner on Sunday night. After everyone left last night my husband and I sat on the couch sharing a piece of pie [strawberry-rhubarb, natch] talking about what a great weekend, but sooo tiring.
So now it's Monday 4 LONG days until Christmas. What do you do with littles who are now excited about presents and Santa to keep them occupied? Any suggestions, believe me I'm open for them.

Please don't forget about my Cans for Comments, I'm keeping the comment section open through today so please tell me something cool!


  1. Sarah, what ended up on the menu? Was that Italien night?
    Sorry about your cold. Can you get your hands on some vitamin A & D? It helps.
    As for the kids, we are pretty big crafters. I have three home for two weeks with husband working a lot at year end. I think it's kind of a balancing act. One outing or physical activity, something creative, something organic (meaning not too structured for them like imaginary play, etc.) and some book time (topped with a movie!). I kind of break it down like that through the day with the morning being my most active time.
    It's hard when you aren't feeling 100% and you have other things to finish up before the holiday. Just know, you aren't alone. Hang in there!

  2. Right back atcha...I'm home sick, too. Sucks! Although I don't have kids to entertain. Just a couple of dogs that are sleeping soundly right now.

  3. Thanks Pittsy, we played outside with their new big wheels, ran some errands and now we're home. I will OD on some viteys, thanks for the tip.

    Bee - So I'm sick and one of our dogs is too. She had to go out last night 4 times!! Crossing my fingers that she makes it over the hump.

  4. I have been feeling under the weather myself... hope you stay warm and get well soon!

    As for the kids... I don't know how old your are, but whenever we had a long weekend from school my parents would always tell us to write a script and pick costumes from our dress up clothes and film our own "movie". My brother and I would go outside and pretend we were pirates, cowboys or robots with foil on our heads (LOL)then we would have a "screening" party with pop corn and fudge after dinner and watch our creation. My parents still have our "kung fu" movie we made with Dad's ties as our "black belts" and our dogs Ottis & Molly - so fun and it always occupied us for a few days.

  5. Boy, I wish I was looking for things to do. I'm home with the kids til christmas as well, but I'm so behind this year, that I just shove them out the door, into the car and go out shopping all day! I was at Costco twice today (and I live far!), then after visiting a few other stores, realized the best deal on a Kitchenaid mixer is there as well (gift for mom)! So, back we go tomorrow! Let them help wrap, make give tags, make cookies! Stay cozy at home and enjoy these winter days!

  6. I so feel your pain! I've been doing art projects left & right, baking tons of cookies, I'm a regular at Blockbuster (she's seen just about every movie out), and that same line keeps coming at me - "what are we going to do now, mom?". arghhh. I love having this time off from school, but I'm running out of ideas!

  7. I'm in the same boat! I thought I was safe, but clearly, as my sore throat and runny nose indicates, I am not.
    feel better and enjoy your holidays!


Thanks for the chat friends!