This week has seemed unusually busy, I hate that. I feel so rushed and I get nothing done around the house. So today this is what I'm thinking will be on the agenda.

1. My top priority is finding these puppies! I'm hoping my little left them at school yesterday, if not I will have to make the trek to get new ones. He (and me) can not live without these guys. Thankfully when forcing a lovie on my child I remembered to pick something that could be replaced easily.
2. Cleaning, I usually try to do my cleaning on Fridays because we have nothing scheduled but I really wanted to do it with the peppermint.
3. Maybe if I have time later I will make some granola. Fresh granola beats store bought any day.
How did I miss this post???? We love our flat pink bear, but do we need to loan her out??? Was the puppy found? :) Thanks for introducing us to was a wonderful gift! :)