November 24, 2008

Soup day

It's Monday and I'm one of those folks that's on the fence about whether that's good or bad. Each week it's different depending on what we have going on. Today I'm right in the middle, our weekend was great but we all have the sniffles so I'm thinking that today might be the day to make soup for dinner. I will probably have to defer to the lovely Jora my favorite foodie for a soup suggestion. I have made her chicken noodle [delish] and am dying to try her pumpkin soup but I'm worried the hubs won't be crazy for it, any other suggestions?

[image from here]



    If you like Asian, this is delicious, easy, and a little different. I add shrimp and cilantro to mine.

  2. my suggestion is Chicken tortilla soup - I have been craving this for the past week and haven't had the chance to make it - Yummie!!

  3. Not completely related... but I once read in the Times that by serving your family soup from cans twice a week would cut your grocery bill per month by 50% or something ridiculous... isn't that crazy?? We never think "soup for dinner" but it is SO inexpensive and easy!!

  4. I love soup. It's been hard to work it in with the weather so hot so late into the season but if you are feeling sniffly, for sure you must have soup.

    Jora's soup is awesome and will certainly make you feel good inside. Another one of our favorites (soooo easy) is avgolemono (lemon chicken and orzo). I just posted on it last week.

    Hope you fight the cold away!

  5. Orangette has a great Italian vegetable and bean soup!

  6. Thanks for all of the suggestions! I did do pumpkin tonight so the others I'm going to print out all of the suggestions and save for another soup day.

  7. yes for pumpkin soup. my hubby would say no, but alas, if it looked like the picture, yum.


Thanks for the chat friends!