July 28, 2008

Speidi please

A little bit ago Paige at I *Heart* You had a post about the 5 people she would like to put in a rocket and shoot into outer space, I've decided these two are at the top of my list.

Spencer the Gremlin must go and Heidi while you are quite pretty with your new face you are still beyond annoying and your short shorts and high heels make me want to puke. Sorry you two have a first-class ticket, buh-bye.

For the record my other picks are as follows: Katherine Heigl, Gloria Estefan, Paris Hilton & W. Since Speidi has a name combo moniker they have to share a seat. Please feel free to list your picks too.


  1. I died laughing at Gloria Estefan!

  2. I know a weird pick but I just can't stand her music.

  3. I have to laugh and completely agree! Are these two for real?!

  4. Yes, your picks are all annoying!! I would also have to add Lindsay Lohan and Kim Kardashian. Gag!

  5. Oh Little Sarahies... Gloria Estefan,only becuase you truely are afraid that "the rhythm is going to get you"

    I would also like to add TomKat and the entire cast of Sunset Tan -only because that show is sooooo annoying yet I can watch the madness for hours and trust me I have better things to do!!

    Love this post!!

  6. People these are all great additions, let me think if I can think up a couple more...Let's go ahead and add Dina and Ali Lohan oh hell just put down the whole Lohan family,Miley Cyrus & Janice Dickenson.

  7. Also, the Hogans! Especially "Brooke-tini" (the name the Hulk gave her). EWWWWW!

  8. Jason from the Bachelorette...yuk.

  9. I love this post!! Please save a seat for Miley Cyrus!! Ugh!! How about Denise Richards??? And How about Jessica Simpson and Ken Paves!! And don't forget E.T herself, Victoria Beckham. Shoot her back to her home planet!! Gosh I think I can go on and on!! Maybe I will just go, might be easier!!


  10. Christina Ricci. Drew Barrymore (she seriously has done the same hack acting job since ET. When your acting hasn't evolved since the early 1980's, it's time to move on). And W and his dang ego will probably take up more than one seat, so I second that motion.


Thanks for the chat friends!