May 26, 2008

Suburbia - Oui ou Non?

This weekend my Mom and I had a fabulous time hitting up some local boutiques and cafes, all in downtown Phoenix. I love shopping at independent stores, I feel like I'm contributing to the people that live locally and I like that feeling. I always pictured myself living in an old house in a neighborhood with those kinds of businesses and now here I am smack dab in suburbia.

{Copper Star Coffee::Phoenix}

Don't get me wrong I like it, it's just a little white bread sometimes. There is some comfort in knowing that my cookie-cutter house won't have too many things wrong with it because it's only 5 1/2 years old and that my kids have a great school across the street. But when I go and see all of the cute homes with cool restaurants and shops nearby it's hard not to be a little jealous. So tell me, yes or no for all of you on suburbia.


  1. Totally know what you mean. We used to live in Arcadia--suburbia but with different home styles/looks/etc so we never felt cookie cutter.
    Now, we live in Prescott--in the Country Club historical district and we are the only spanish style on the block...hooray!
    Suburbia is great when you have kids plus the school nearby but then again living in a city with everything you mentioned sounds heavenly, too!

  2. No 'burbs for me. I'm happy to give up square footage low-maintenance housing for the proximity to ... you know ... life. And the elementary school in my neighborhood is great. Unfortunately, the middle and high school aren't, so I might have to change my tune one day.

  3. boy do I know what you mean... not much culture in the hood where I live.

    Next life... I see myself as a "loft" gal - across the street from an old theatre, that offers random dance classes in the studio above the stage. Oh and don't forget the coffee house at the end of the street where local artist sell everything from totally hip coffee mugs to welded scupltures.

    As this too mch to ask for??? HA! :)

  4. I too have done both. I love the charm of older homes in the city. I love the mature trees towering over the streets. But, there is definitely a certain piece of mind that comes with suburbia. A new house that nobody else has touched and floors without other peoples toe jam or other mystery spots. Dishwashers, yards, central air, I have definitely sold out to suburbia.

  5. Ok, first of all, I have to know which spots you went to in PHX? I have a good friend who owns a little cafe/wine bar downtown (it's darling in an old house) and then some other friends who own a small boutique... totally adorable stuff, too.

    I'm a city (KC) dweller at the moment, but someday I'd like to move back to the neighborhood that I grew up in (coincidentally, the Arcadia that India spoke of in the first comment). For now, we're happy!

  6. Suburbia is practical but city life is magical.

    Currently live in what would probably equate to suburbia - in Los Angeles. It's safe and easy but definitely removed from some of the city elements, not that you can really walk to much anywhere in LA. There are wonderful little pockets though and as we are currently looking to purchase our first home those are the areas I am more in love with for their character.

  7. India & Jessie - I don't think Arcadia would classify as total burbs, maybe mini-burbs. There is a lot of life and stuff to do around there. I would live there in a heart beat!

    I totally agree with everyone is this post. I really think that there are pros and cons for either situation. Both are so perfect in their own way.

  8. Don't forget your cute friend Constance that lives in the "old neighborhood" with the red brick cottage.... luv NEVER, EVER going to be a suburb babe.

  9. Constance my love, your cute little bungalow is burned in my brain. It's adorable, why do you think I think suburbs...ehhh?


Thanks for the chat friends!