April 8, 2008

Am I headed in the right direction?

So I'm at a crossroads and it involves this blog. I love writing it because it has brought back some of those creative juices that were sucked away by my old number crunching job. Is what I have going OK for those of you actually reading it? I mean it's kind of a weird design/mommy life/random rant hybrid. Is there anything that I should be including that I don't? Sometimes I think it needs a more focused direction and then other times I think what the hell, it's a little nuts just like my life. Thoughts?


  1. I love it. I love it for the variety. It is exactly the way that my brain functions...a little design...fun finds...mommy and baby stuff...coffee cups :)

  2. For someone who JUST picked it up...you are doing an awesome job! You find the best stuff! How would I have found the sheet music??? Keep it up, don't change :)

  3. I agree with TIL - Don't ever second guess yourself. Take it to Shutty-town and keep writing - LADY!!! Without this blog I wouldn't have designed a different crib for the 4 babies I don't even have!!!! HAHAHA:)

  4. You have become one of my addictions. I love the randomness - you never know what treasure you will find here!

  5. I love it and I know others who read this love it too! It is a quick glance of who you, what you are feeling, or loving at that moment!!
    Keep it up!!

  6. Here's my blog theory:

    This blog is for you. This is your own little outlet, like a canvas for your brain to paint. DO NOT worry if other people like it, seriously, do it for you. That makes it honest, and that is what makes it great.

    I actually just added you to my favs this morning! :)


Thanks for the chat friends!