March 10, 2008


I heart rhubarb! OK maybe not plain rhubarb but I do love rhubarb pie, so when I saw the new Rhubarb Spring Cleaning Kit from Mrs. Meyers Clean Day products I got super excited. Not just because I love new, yummy smelling products but because Mrs. Meyers uses natural ingredients, is biodegradable and cruelty free, basically they are just good peeps (plus I love the look of the packaging). I must run out and get some ASAP.


  1. This is great I just read about this the other day... you are sooo avant-garde!!! I always knew I could turn to you for new innovative finds!!! Keep up the great work, CHICA!!!

  2. I can't wait to try out this new scent...I love these products! Thanks, sister!

  3. I just ordered this for my mother-in-law!! She used to bake Chris Rhubarb pie all the time when he was little and she is a clean freak so I thought she would like it! Thanks for the great idea!!! Tina Burnham :)

  4. uh...YUM?!? Love these porducts and now that they're in a pink package I can't resist. Who knows what rhubarb smelss like, but I love me some strawberry rhubarb pie!

  5. So I went out and bought this last weekend....smells wonderful! My favorite scent by far!!

  6. Hi, I'm Tina's mother-in-law, and I love, love, love my gift of rhubarb cleaners. Thanks for giving her the idea. I even have a Boston Terrier named Rhubarb.


Thanks for the chat friends!