April 23, 2013

It's been a little cray

I'm home today. Tuesday is usually a busy work day for me but I have a kid who took a baseball to the noggin yesterday so we're staying home. He's currently alternating ice and Wii and I'm enjoying a moment to myself with the gazillions of posts filling up my reader (which is now Feedly, I love it.)

We've been busy with parties, weddings and such. Big had his first communion and confirmation complete with aunts and a sweet cousin from out of town, my sister in law got married and then the very next day was a fundraiser I'm involved with. I'm wiped. So today's little lie-in is a total lifesaver. I think since I'm home I need to organize my scattered life. I lost my keys in my house a week ago and still can't find them. Eek! My husband is sure I'm completely loco and I can't say that I blame him. Check in with me next week I might be the picture of tranquility and zen. There's always hoping right?


  1. Oh my....sounds like me. My spare key is usually in play more than my entire set of keys because I can NEVER find them.like...ever. And if the hubby hears me ask "have you seen my wallet?" "Do you know where my phone is?" or "Have you seen my keys?" one more time, I'm pretty sure he is going to commit me to the looney bin.Hope Big feels better! (and you find your keys) xo

  2. i think you need a lunch date at postino. :)


Thanks for the chat friends!