January 28, 2010

We're home

Yesterday I hit the Zoo with the Kindy's and it was chilly and it rained on us. At first I was cold and annoyed then I decided that it rarely is cold and rainy in AZ so I should just enjoy it. We got to see all of the animals they were all out parading in the gray weather. Crisis averted.

Today Big is home sick from school, thankfully with nothing too tragic so he should be back in class tomorrow. Whew. I think that we'll have to make some vanilla scones today to give us all something to do, now I just need to find a recipe.
**Sidenote: Just googled Starbucks Vanilla Bean Scone recipe because the kids love them. Happily just found that King Arthur Flour has a blog and a scone recipe too. I love using King Arthur flour especially the Unbleached Whole White Wheat Flour.
{room by Ryan Korban via Remodelista}

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Thanks for sharing your finding for the Starbucks scone recipe. I want to try those this weekend... they look scrum!!


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