January 14, 2010

Wear it :: Cherry Tart

Every now and then when I'm killing time I browse the makeup at the groc (when you have two littles sometimes this is all the alone time is all you get). More often than not if I buy something it stinks. Not trying to knock drugstore makeup but usually my attempts to try a new product are a total bust. During the summer I decided I wanted a sheer red lip and saw the Revlon Creme Gloss in Cherry Tart so I picked it up.

Let me tell you guys, I'm obsessed with it, I wear it 6 days out of 7. It's in my quick car makeup repertoire. Which is powder, concealer, blush, mascara and this glorious gloss. I love that I feel polished and done when I wear it and it's my little secret that it was all done at stoplights. If you want a pretty red kisser without the heavier matte look give it a try, you'll heart it.


  1. That looks excellent. Once upon a time I used the Revlon "Cherries in the Glow" lip gloss. I thought it was a great sheer red. I got some recently, though, and the color looks different than I remember. I'll have to give this one a shot.

    And, yes, I reluctantly admit that drugstore makeup is usually a disappointment. I justify buying Clinique by saying that at least I didn't waste money on something I didn't try in advance.

  2. Hmmmm....looks worthy of a try. Is it sticky? I can't do sticky. My hair gets in it then leaves red trails on my cheeks. I end of looking like I got into a fight with a kitten. My fav-have in every purse is Smiths Rosebud Salve. It's not sticky, has a nice natural tint and lasts for few hours.

  3. Ooooooh, I can't wait to give it a try. I love me some good, cheap makeup bought on a Target run.

  4. I will give it a try. Does it stay on? Everything I buy tends to disappear within a half hour.

  5. Ooh, exciting!! I love finding cheap lip gloss that's good.

  6. This is a goodie it lasts and sometimes when I want to sass it up I'll put a liner I have with it for a little extra color and staying power. I'm telling you this is my favorite lipstick right now. I wouldn't steer you guys wrong, promise.

  7. New makeup is one of the sheer joys of life. Thanks for sharing! I'll have to check this one out.

  8. I'd been needing some new lip color so I picked this up at your recommendation. In short, I LOVE IT!! It stays on forever, it's the perfect shade, perfect color intensity and it's not super plastic shiny. Thank you for sharing!


Thanks for the chat friends!