January 7, 2010

Cleaning...how much time?

Ever since I posted the Fresh Start collage I've been wondering how much time people actually spend doing their housework. Do you consider yourself an obsessive neat-freak or are you a little more lackadaisical when it comes to your home? If you dish be truthful about the time you spend because I'm really curious. I'm dying to know the tidy/time ratio of everyone.

I at least spend a couple of hours a day doing laundry and cleaning but there's still usually toys everywhere. I think for that one I'll just have to wait a few more years. I have to have everything clean I'm just horrible at organization. I'm pile girl. There are piles in a few spots one in particular I affectionately call the sh*t corner. Every so often I go through the piles and keep and toss. Then sometimes what gets kept gets put in another pile usually in a drawer until I go through again and re-sort. It's a lot of work being this disorganized but sometimes I'm just not ready to part with children's artwork or inspiration magazine tear out.

So I'll live with my irritable habit and hope that someday I'll have an epiphany and become Miss Non-Pile. No worries I'm not going to regale you with my resolutions of neatness because there is no way that's going to happen. But I do love to hear your tales of what you do well and things you need to work on, makes me feel good that I'm not the only one.

{images from Miss Perfect}


  1. My cleaning habits are all over the place. I certainly don't do much everyday. It's so damm dusty here it's pointless sometimes. The daily stuff is dishes in the dishwasher, counters wiped down, with two dogs the hair piles on the tile so we vacume a few times a week. Bathrooms are a once a week thing now that my son is away at school. Big cleanings are probably once a month and take me almost a full day. Dusting, Windex windows in main rooms, bathrooms, sweep, mop, wash slipcovers, duvets, dog beds. I'm a HUGE no clutter person and have minimal "stuff" out. My desk has bins and trays that hold the monthly things (bills, notes, magazines)and I purge them often. Things stay pretty tidy and "clean to the eye" most days. So a daily time total? Maybe 1 hour.

  2. Glad to know I have a "pile" twin and can't really talk about the cleaning part because, well, Ed's the king in that Department.

    But I can tell you that I have this new fandangled way of keeping my magazine cutouts...most of my magazine tearouts surround different hoildays and at first I had them stacked (not very neatly) EVERYWHERE, until I got the great idea to create a folder and pack them away with the decorations I put out for the differnet holidays. It didn't make sense to keep them out all year, so now, not only do I get to put out those fun decorations , but I get to look through my magazine cut outs and figure out what new thing I will try out... Its really started to work!

  3. When I started school again, my husband gave me the gift of cleaning lady comming every other week to clean. I mainly have her clean those big things like the bathrooms, floors, and kitchen. In between, I do my best to maintain it and even then, the house still gets a little out of hand. I try to sweep everyday and leave the kitchen clean everynight before I go to bed. On my way upstairs to bed at the end of the day I also try to tidy up as I go so that the house is picked up. Make the bed everyday and try as hard as I can to keep the clutter of mail to a minimum.

    I guess it's just the little things that you do everyday that keep it from being overwhelming. Still, sometimes my tendency to pile things up can get the best of me.

  4. I wish I could keep things neater too, but with two dogs and one husband, it gets messy fast! I probably on average spend 2-3 hours a week, but if I do a full house cleaning, then it's a lot more than that.

  5. I'm a straighten-upper , not a "get your elbows into it" cleaner. I wish I had more of that in me, but I don't. Don't get me wrong my house looks very clean, but God for bid company comes and opens a closet......busted for sure. I hate to say it, I an amazing woman who comes and cleans once a week. I tell her often how thankful I am for her, she really puts my life back in order every week.

  6. I'd like to spend an hour or two a night cleaning, ironing, etc. Due a full-time job and pilates certification it really comes down to 5-6 hours a week, mostly on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Luckily it's just the husband and I so it is never too overwhelming.

  7. I'm a passive-aggressive pile girl; you know, stack up tons of crap then blame others for their stuff. When really it's just me not knowing where to put some of my things like ripped out magazine pages and coupons that I will forget about in two days.

    I sweep about five times a day [beach dweller, sand is the anti-christ]. And I'm a weirdo about having clean counters before I go to bed. Sticky spots on the floor make me crazy. So I've been known to get on my hands and knees, bust out the vinegar and scrub our hardwoods.

  8. So what ever happened to your whole keeping your closet clean? Has it been already a year since you did that?

  9. I sweep everyday, wipe counters and laundry. I spend a total of one hour a week. However, Saturdays I spend about 3 hour cleaning! I wish I had a help!

  10. I so relate to the pile problem! My husband and I are both afflicted with this malady, and we each want the other to tidy their piles! Pile war!

  11. I am a mother of 4, a professional procrastinator, and a very very mild hoarder. I am lucky to have married a neat and tidy man. We balance each other out.
    My trick... the kids are getting older and they can clean. So far, that's not working.
    I felt like I was reading about myself in this post. I do the exact same things.
    cheers twin!


Thanks for the chat friends!