December 2, 2009

Busy, busy here

I'm sure we're all in the same boat this crazy month of December. Yesterday my little (well he's 21, that's little to me) brother had an emergency appendectomy so while I was at the hospital I read some commentary from a mom regarding the holidays. She made me laugh because we've all been there, burning your cookies for the bake sale because you're online researching the best deal for that must-have toy. It was sad that it took a hospital visit for me to slow down for a minute and enjoy the company of some of my favorite people, my family. I know we're all stretched a bit thin this time of year, make sure you take a few minutes to snuggle with your kids, pets or significant other because really this time of year is magical. Think back, I'm sure lots of your favorite memories we created during December and I say it's time to make a few more!

On another fun note a couple of weeks ago I talked about peppermint topiaries that we had been making for a school event, while I don't want to ruin the surprise here are a few candylicious ideas that I found at TomKat Studio to get you by. Our topiaries don't look quite like these but they're just as fun.


  1. Tis is busy, huh? I bet your topiaries are just lovely.

    Yes, so many memories are made in Dec. Good reminder to try and slow down just a little bit.

    Have a great day!

  2. Isn't that a fabulous collage of ideas?! Love them all! :) It is good to slow down once in while... I keep telling myself that, but it never seems to actually happen?!
    XOXO, Kim

  3. Can't wait to see yours! What a FUN idea!

  4. These are super pretty.
    Love the selections.
    Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the chat friends!