November 18, 2009

Problem solved

Whew. I'm finally back. Hard drive crashes then add to that little to no extra time and all my pretty images gone leaves me and the bloggity blog feeling quite bleak. Thankfully I'll be back but probably not too much this week.

I'm hosting a baby shower on Sunday and I'm up to my eyeballs in peppermint topiaries for an event at Big's school. I'm really wishing I was hanging out at this table, glass of wine in hand of course. So what's new with you peeps tell me something wonderful!
{image via House Beautiful}


  1. Peppermint topiaries? I'm intrigued!

  2. oooh, I want to see a pic of a peppermint topiary!

  3. So I don't ruin the surprise I'll post a pic in a couple of weeks. :)

  4. Yay! You're back. Nothing much new over here. I'm still in the "Groundhog Days" of life with a newborn, but loving it. :)

  5. I want to know about peppermint topiaries too. How about a blog post on that! hope you're back up and running okay....


Thanks for the chat friends!