November 2, 2009

Did you watch?

Even though we don't fall back TV does so last night I stayed up until midnight so I could watch the Drapers in action. I was glad I did, did you watch?

I just started watching Mad Men this season and I love it. Don and Betty are so interesting with their dichotomy of character. You love and loathe them at the same time. Lots of good dramz last night and I don't want to give it all away if you didn't watch it so we can discuss in comments. What are they going to do???


  1. Oh yes, I watched. I've been a loyal viewer since Season 1 and this episode had me almost in tears, laughing and a lot of other emotions! I have no idea what's going to happen next....

  2. Oh - I almost forgot, after last nights episode, I felt for Don and hated Betty, it's usually the other way around!

  3. I felt both bad and kind of ha-ha-ish for Don and sad and good-for-you for Betty. Can't say that I blame her...can you imagine being married to Don Draper? Well aside from the handsome, dashing part of course.

  4. But do you think Betty will be nicer to the kids as a single mom???? Don is a cad but oh how I'd like him to be my cad for a just a little while.

  5. Best show this season for sure. It's all very painful. How can that guy want to marry Betty, he barely knows her. I can't wait till next week.

  6. If you haven't already you MUST watch the first two seasons. They are FAB. I've been hooked since day one (retrophile) but it's too delish!

  7. I love this show for it's story lines, and the fashion. Totally feel bad for Betty and think Don should be sad.... What about Duck and Peggy, creepy right?

  8. season finale tonight!!! i'm counting down the minutes!!


Thanks for the chat friends!