October 30, 2009

Do you heart TV?

I think it says a lot about me that really think this poster should be hanging somewhere in my office and I don't know if that's a good thing...

Besides the fact that it labels me as a plebian couch potato which is sorta embarrassing, I think it's cute and I do love me some TV.
{as seen on Desire to Inspire}


  1. I should definetly get one of these for the house, we love our TV too!

  2. I may have to get one too... I loves me TV.

  3. I can't LIVE without TV! Haha, sign me up for one too, so cute!

  4. with the kids grown up and on their own + the weather turning cooler= more television time. We do lots of Netflix/movies or TV series that we've not seen. We were YEARS behind everyone else with The Sopranos...and now we're on Dexter, Deadwoood, Six feet under, and have actually "learned" history from The Tudors (watching and researching the facts)

  5. one in every room. how sick is that? :)

  6. I really do heart TV. My rule is to not watch during the day, though, and only at night - all those go-back-to-school commercials and join the army ads really get me down.
    Thank goodness for Tivo & Netflix!


Thanks for the chat friends!