October 6, 2009

Check her out, Adrienne Hedger

Just a heads up for all of you local moms out there, there will be a book signing for the hilarious author and illustrator Adrienne Hedger at (one of my favorite places to hang) Changing Hands.

Changing Hands

Wednesday, October 7th at 7:00 pm

I was sent the heads up by Pittsy's Place and I've since been laughing daily at her blog. If you can please go, I'm sure it's bound to be funny.

1 comment:

  1. It's Adrienne Hedger here. Thanks, Sarah! I'm bringing some goodies tomorrow night to go along with the book - greeting card, special to-do lists, etc. so anyone who buys a book will get these freebies too. An easy way to create a gift basket for a new mom. : )


Thanks for the chat friends!