August 19, 2009

Hear ye, hear ye, I need some ideas peeps.

I'm kind of in a blog funk. Nothing is inspiring me or begging me to blog about it, I hate that. What do you all do to stay inspired or get those creative juices flowing? I love that feeling of being on a roll when one idea flows from another, know what I mean? So any suggestions for cool new blogs, tumblrs or flickr pages would be much appreciated. Please, please share with me what's flipping your skirt. Thanks in advance my friends.
{flickr image via Mary Ruffle}


  1. I love reading so many things. I love fashion pics, outfit ideas, home dec ideas, craft project ideas, etc. Sometimes it's fun to post a list of faves from around the net or fave photos from Flickr. I know how it is, so I hope you get out of your funk! I love your blog!

  2. I know what you mean! And being super busy doesn't help. I have come to a new low, where I am too exhausted to make my own decisions, (see my post today and help me!) Ha!

  3. OK, so very random - but when I get bored or need fresh creative ideas I usually start reading the NY post online. I have found so many new artists here and some oh so very fashion forward looks!!! Its hard to get the latest and greatest out here in AZ...if you know what I mean!!!

  4. hmmm, maybe something to get you in the spirit of fall? that's waht i'm working's all very time consuming isn't it? what else, how about hit up a flea market or have a dinner party and make it a fun story with your personal pics? good luck!

  5. Just check out your Followers blogs and pick a few of your favorites to talk about...

  6. I find that the more I write, the more the ideas come; it seems like a drought is similarly self-reinforcing. I've been enjoying other bloggers' posts about back to school. What outfits did you put together for your kids? What do you pack in their lunches? Any great stuff you've found for that?

    Also, check out Plinky. It's a blog of blog prompts. Just don't stop writing, whatever you do.

  7. I agree, definitely don't stop writing. I get in these ruts often...and a lot of them will go on for weeks on end (or so it seems). I'll write a lot of posts as Drafts and eventually that will get me up and running again. And usually once I'm out of the slump I reread posts I had written that I thought were bad or poor ideas, and I end up really liking them. I think it's inevitable to go through these feelings when we're writing and doing this daily!

  8. YOu are always fun to read for me. I'm in back to school mode. Not just for the kids but for me, I've been summer casual all summer and need to get a little more polished for fall, any ideas??? What do you wear to drop off kids?

  9. I'm in a bit of a blog funk too! I think it's a summer thing, and am hoping that a bit of "back to school" mentality will help me get into it again as soon as Labor Day hits! I think your blog is great, and so much fun. In the meantime, you can write about...
    1. What you did in Austin
    2. Top favorite restaurants in Arizona (I think that's where you live)
    3. Places you'd like to go
    4. 5 blogger friends you'd like to meet one day, and why. I'd be happy to be one, since I think we'd be friends!


Thanks for the chat friends!