July 13, 2009

Let's take a trip

It's Monday so I sit here with my afternoon pick me up (coffee natch) while browsing my favorite blogs. Nice.
Then I see this
and now I immediately want to move to France to rough it in this converted boat garage. Cafe au Lait's anyone?


  1. I agree. That might be rough, but I think I could handle it :)


  2. Wanna go?? My dad has a place in Paris! It's like the size of my salon but right in the city! Wouldn't that be soooo fun! I love coffee....I just need to start drinking wine!!

  3. you crack me up! i mean has camping ever looked so inviting?! count me in:-)

  4. Natch.... Looks lovely, and with a little cafe, even better!


Thanks for the chat friends!