June 22, 2009

What up?

Good afternoon lovelies. I'm enjoying my first day at the beach. Well the little bit I had so far. My beach babies are worn out so I get a minute to myself. Yesterday I had a quick trip home to meet my darling new nephew that joined the family. My brother's first son Baby B was born yesterday so I flew home and came back last night. We celebrated with champagne and a chocolate birthday cake it was the perfect (but so busy) day. How was your weekend?
[image from flickr via Mary Ruffle]


  1. OH WOW!!! Please tell them congratulations!!

    I bet you were a bit wiped then after all of that traveling... Have a good time! Talk to yo when you get back!!!

  2. So the baby was born on Father's Day?!?! So cute!!! Congrats to your brother!!

  3. Congratulations! That's such great news!

  4. I hope you are enjoying the beach. Congrats on your nephew!

  5. that picture is killer...jealous you are on vacation. i hope you have a blast!

  6. Sarah, I LOVE San Diego! We spent a summer there once and the weather is always perfect. Sounds like you had a great time:)

  7. Fun fun!!! Glad you're getting some beach time. :-)


Thanks for the chat friends!