June 11, 2009

My job

Currently my employer is myself. House B*+%h, Face wiper, Laundress extraordinaire. You know Mom. (Pilates doesn't count that's only a few hours a week). If and when I go back into the work force is it too much to ask to be employed by someone with an office like this?

[Stylelab Shanghai found here]


  1. no - not at all too much to ask - only and ONLY if they have 2 open positions - I want to go too!!!

    If only just for the lighting...that would do it for me!!!!

  2. What a gorgeous space! And P.S., I love you a little more for using the term "house bitch"! LOL!

  3. Hell, I think you should demand an office like that NOW. I mean seriously...you have employees, you are a CEO and you work well over 40 hours a week. Justification at its best!

  4. first of all you are hysterical. second-I worship that office.

  5. I don't think it's too much to ask. Maybe demanding a car service and a champagne break every evening would be pushing it, but a breathtaking office space like that? Not at all.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  6. love it!!! your intro cracked me up!!

  7. are you sure thats an office? It kinda looks like heaven.

  8. My hubby and I were invited to an office party just last week of a nearby office with killer views of the river and I left wishing that I were working just to have an office like that, heck, even if it were to make the coffee and answer the phones....
    I feel your pain. I work from home while raising 3 kids and one dog. I sigh...*^#! a lot!


Thanks for the chat friends!