April 8, 2009


I was invited by Emily at Wide Open Spaces to share my 5 favorite things about motherhood. I thought what a perfect time because three of my favorite bloggers are pregnant. Paige and Erika are expecting their first and sweet Jora is blessed with a third. I'm sure they can totally relate to what I'm feeling here.

1.) I love the look of surprise on their face when I share stories of my own childhood with them. They love hearing that Mommy was actually a kid just like them.

2.) I love looking into my husband's face when he's looking at our children because I know he feels exactly like I do. We're both shocked and amazed that we could create such perfect little people.

3.) I love it when they figure something out on their own for the first time.

4.) I love reading book after book to them, they like the stories but I love the closeness.

5.) I love sneaking into their rooms at night to stare at their sweet sleeping faces. They look like angels.


  1. oh my goodness! what little cuties!!! those smiles are pure heaven!!! what beautiful boys sarah!!

  2. sweet. i think every mother can relate to your 5... but as you were typing didn't 5 start to seem like too few favs of motherhood?;-)

  3. So cute. Great post :)

  4. oh yes. bedtime! the best one of all. those faces can make you forget ALL the madness. (though yours do look pretty perfect)

  5. love this picture! those boys will get you every time--

  6. I want to pinch those cheeks so badly! I don't think I've ever seen pictures of them.... And yes, little sleeping angels are the best. :)

  7. Oh, they're so cute! I do love to peek in at my son when he's sleeping...it's just the sweetest sight!

  8. your boys are beautiful!!! story time is definitely one of my favs!

  9. beautiful boys!!
    me, too btw (shhhh)....xo


Thanks for the chat friends!