April 21, 2009

Kid fingers

My mom always tells the story of my nails. When I was a teeny baby she accidentally nipped my finger, I bled and she cried. After four children she can still claim that she never again trimmed baby nails, just in case. I've always been the nail trimmer in my house. Always being super careful not to trim them too short or accidentally pinch their sweet skin. Yesterday I was trimming my Big's fingernails and I noticed something. They were no longer the sweet, Tiny Chiclet nails of a baby, they had changed. Overnight they had morphed into kid fingers.

At first glance they were the same, a little raggedy with a bit of dirt under the nails from playing outside but somehow they looked completely different. More capable, sure of themselves, like they had fun without needing my help. Long gone are the baby fingers that would hold my necklace while he nursed or the the sticky little paws that just didn't seem to ever come clean. I guess I will enjoy my big kid fingers while I can, trimming them carefully until he doesn't need me to do it anymore.


  1. AHHHHH!! Little is growing up. I thought for sure he would stay age 4ish forever...time goes by so quick and Im not even a parent :)

  2. that is so sweet, Sarah! those may be big-boy hands, but he still needs his mama to clean them for him!

  3. Ok, so your blog doesn't usually make me tear up, but I've been a little emotional lately about my babies growing too fast! That was priceless! Thanks for sharing...why do they have to grow up?

  4. Oh...so cute! They're still a little little! It does seem that the days go by so quickly, doesn't it?

  5. Great post Sarah! I get sad to see their feet change! I love Fat square brick feet with little corn kernals for toes. Ugh....yes why do they have to grow up?? I think I need another baby........

  6. It is stories like this that make me look forward to the days of having my own little ones.

  7. Ditto Joy - I can't wait to have moments like these in years to come! You must be such a proud Mommy!!

  8. Oh what a sweet post, Sarah! I can so relate. I rocked our three year old to sleep tonight and looked at the disappearing baby fat that used to be around his wrists...you know how it overlaps to their hand? It's going away. I almost cried.

    ~ it's the sweet simple things ~
    ~ that gently tug on our heart strings ~

    Om, did I just bust with a mom rhyme? Guess I've been awake too long.


Thanks for the chat friends!