April 9, 2009

Girl Crush: Gwyneth

For those of you that have been reading this forever know that my girl crush is Gwynnie (like we're on the first name, but whatev). I know she can come off a little pretentious and snotty but seriously the girl can rock a look that's for sure.



  1. i think she is misunderstood. i love her as well. i think she would be fun to hang out with!

  2. Have you seen the PBS series she did with Mario Batali? I love it. Sometimes I watch it when I feel like I need to take a vacay. These days all my travel is done vicariously...

  3. You know, you think you know someonw and whamo - they totally surprise you!!! I had no idea about you girl crush on Ms. G... but anyway, she can rock any look!!

  4. i don't think anyone should feel entitled to judge a celebrity they don't know. Personally, i think she's just lovely.

  5. Jenn - I know you knew this. I specifically remember a pool party and lots of cocktails that included a convo on this very subject.

  6. I LOVE her too...and would love to wear her clothes. Especially since I'm as tall and thin as she is LOL!

    Happy Easter.


Thanks for the chat friends!