April 16, 2009

Early mornings

As much as I love the spring weather the early morning sun starts to drive me crazy.
My pooches like to get up as soon as the sun makes even the slightest appearance and if I don't get up they decide to bang around in the boys rooms. Ugh. So then we're all up. Fun times.


  1. Wow - sounds like these pooches are even better than Roosters!!!

  2. Me and Chris were just talking about this this morning as I drove him to the airport at 6am and it was bright! Reminded me of opening up TCs.....

  3. I feel your pain. My kids are all up with sun. The silver lining: early to rise, early to bed (at least for us). Incidently our faithful pooch sleeps in as long as possible. Now, only if I could get the kiddos to do the same.

  4. Jenn - I never thought about it like that but yes WORSE than Roosters.

    Pittsy - My kids get up fairly early but when those pesky dogs are getting them up before 6 we've got problems. And nights when 7:30 rolls around and everyone is snug in their beds...heaven! It's my favorite time of day. Sad I know.


Thanks for the chat friends!