March 17, 2009

Frank the Tank

Just thought I'd share the picture message (because it made me laugh) I got from my husband while I was at Pilates. I teach on Tuesday nights so a lot of the time my husband takes the kids over to his sister's so the boys can play with their cousins. Looks like tonight they took a tub over there and forgot their jammies.
Here is my three year old wearing his cousin's girly jammies while chugging from a sippy cup. We don't call him Frank the Tank for nothing.


  1. Hilarious! I love Mr. J! At least he is in girlies jammies and isn't going "streaking"!

  2. Hilarious! I especially love that he is wearing ones with ruffles. Happens to Tommy all the time when we're over at Kaylee's. Fortunately, she's got a couple pairs that can pass as gender neutral. ;)

  3. ok, not to be unoriginal but that is HILARIOUS! and I thought I was bad having my boy wear his big sisters old pink pjs when he was a new born! wasn't so much out of reduce reuse recycle as it was out of laziness... they were born one year apart and I just couldn't cope with shopping for everything all over again so soon... but this, this picture is one for the books! adorable.

  4. Clearly he's very secure. What's the big deal, mom? Love it.

  5. Love this! So cute. You must save this picture to show him later. Perhaps put in his high-school year book :)

  6. That is just so precious! Be sure to keep it close at hand as he gets a little older. And as the mother to a nine month old boy, I'll tell you that I'm still in shock about how much he can eat! My daughter was much daintier...

  7. Oh. My. Gosh. This is a keeper and should be pulled out when he is a senior in High School and is going through that, "I'm so cool" phase. Use it as a bargaining chip.



Thanks for the chat friends!