February 11, 2009

Olivia dahling...

Dear Olivia,

While you are so doe eyed and pretty if you're intending to be a serious actress please at least try to look like you care when people are talking to you [it's called acting]. Halfway through any conversation you start to look like you just want to say, "Shut the hell up". Hel-lo you're on fauxality TV and I want to start liking you.


PS - Please stop subjecting us to that sleazy cousin of yours he's GROSS!


  1. I hate her cousin too!! Why was his sock on the couch!?! Grossness....

  2. why is her cousin always around? he drives me bonkers! olivia has the prettiest hair and skin i have ever seen but she always has the most disgusted look on her face. if she could fake her facial expressions the way she fakes her little girl voice she might have a shot at actually being well liked. but right now, i love to hate her. :)

  3. Paige - You nailed it right on the head. She's the love to hate character. Every show has to have one.

  4. I think I am the only one who likes Olivia..

  5. The only thing I love about her is her hair...great color!


Thanks for the chat friends!