February 10, 2009

I feel a little weird

I went to kindergarten information night last night. I feel weird and kinda sad. I'm sure it's super exciting for my big but I can't believe it's right around the corner.

[image via flickr]


  1. I was excited when my big was going to kindergarten, but much more melancholy when the little one started. Sunrise, sunset!

  2. i just went through this with pre-K. it was ROUGH. of course, my daughter was thrilled. it's hard letting go.

  3. The day you take him will be a bittersweet day. Plan on it. But you and he will both adjust and then you'll love it. :-)

  4. I'm not looking forward to that day. My husband & I were talking about T starting school, and he didn't realized T is due to start next year already! They grow too fast....


Thanks for the chat friends!