January 8, 2009

Thanks Martha

Sometimes I wonder whatever did we do before we had Martha? The boys made a couple of these today and it was the perfect little afternoon activity. Totally easy and totally adorable, my kind of project.

[All puppets can be found here...I know, I know.]


  1. o.k. exactly!
    where would i be.

  2. Martha is my best friend (sorry Kristi!). We have been very close since my wedding planning days in 2001. She has been there for me for so many important occassions (babies, weddings, holidays, you name it...she is there, always by my side!)

    Love these puppets! I'm totally going to make them with the kids! During my craft room transition, I just found a couple copies that I saved of Martha's "Kids" magazines from 2005. I sure miss that mag.

  3. These are adorable - but I want to see the boy's craftiness!!! Put that fancy chirstmas gift to wark and post some pics!!! heheheh!!

  4. Okay, now I'm truly impressed. Here I was so proud of myself telling you to take your tots to the library and you're at home whipping out custom puppets.

    Notice you never see Martha doing the project with the child/ren. So you're one up on her, my friend!

  5. Oh my goodness how adorable!!! Can I come babysit? You can pay me in gift cards to whole foods! :)


Thanks for the chat friends!