January 16, 2009

Happy weekend and may the force be with you!

So after a long day of procrastination I really need to get to it! My big's 5th birthday is tomorrow and I have to admit it's a little bittersweet. When kids turn 5 they all of the sudden seem older and I don't know if I'm ready for that. We are getting ready for a Star Wars birthday party tomorrow with family and for his big "tada" we are taking him to Disneyland at the end of the month. So Mama has a lot to do!

So I need to get to cleaning and head to the groc. What's on the agenda for you this weekend?
[image via Flickr]


  1. Oh, delicious image. And if it were life-sized...

    I hope your eldest enjoys their fifth. I'm sure it will be fantastic. This weekend we should be getting new chairs for my husband's home office. Spending time being warm with my children, snuggling with my husband, enjoying many a meal together.

  2. ahhh! My oldest turns five in August. It wasn't a reality until I read this post. Can't they just stay babies forever? I like babies more then pre-teens :)

  3. Oh Happy Birthday Mr M! Wow 5! I get sad just thinking about lil O turning 5 this year. Can we come to Disneyland with you?

  4. Oh, how fun!! I'm sure it feels like it's all so fast, but you seem to sprinkle in more fun moments than a little kid could ever hope for, so today will undoubtedly be the best 5th birthday party ever :) Happy bday to the big!

  5. Have a great time! My son will be four this year, and it is scary how fast they grow. I feel for you on five....that means school is just around the corner...but don't worry, he'll always be your little boy. :)


Thanks for the chat friends!