January 27, 2009

Clean up

So today I spent a few hours cleaning and I still feel as though nothing is done. As I tidy up, vacuum, load dishes and fold laundry I notice that ewwwh my baseboards are gross. Then I look around some more and notice that I really need to dust. Seriously, I wonder will this cleaning bit ever end? I know that you need to stay on top of things and I try to do that but some days it feels like no matter how much I work there is always another mess to be cleaned. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with the two small people living with us but they're OK so we'll let it slide.

So how much time each day do you devote to housework? Are you fastidious or a bit lax when it comes to cleaning? What is your must do before you go to bed?


  1. I absolutely know how you feel. Every time I clean, I feel worse about how my house looks -- and I consider myself to be a pretty tidy and clean person. My husband is like the quickest cleaner in the world, so normally he does the cleaning of the bathrooms, floors, and stove top while I'm still dusting, picking up, and wiping down countertops! It's never-ending and we don't even have children yet!

  2. I'm definitely lax about the cleaning. I clean once I notice things are getting dirty and not a second before. The huge thing I've realized since buying a house is that it never ends. There's a bitch living in my house and her name is Maintenance.

  3. My must do before bed is to point out to the hubs that dishes are in the sink and laudry needs to be done - HAHAH!!!

    Base boards can't even go there... Base boards got the best of me on Sunday. Having a dog doesn't either - so much DOG HAIR EVRYWHERE!!!!

  4. Oh Sister! I feel your pain. I have forces (four of them including the husband) against me. My current drama: How will I ever get to some of my reorg projects if I can;t ge past basic maintainence?! Argh!

  5. Dusting in the bain of my existence - between Ruby (dirt-monger) and my gigantic golden retriever (hair-monger), I could dust from morning to night and not keep up with it.
    One thing I HAVE to do is have a sparking kitchen sink in the morning, it just starts my day off right. Before bed - I'm too tired to do anything by then.

  6. Is that your cleaning bucket so tidy and organized? Don't EVER look at mine.

    Cleaning is perpetual over here. Kids chip in, husband does at least half of our laundry, I cook dinners, make lunches + snacks, and do all the sweeping and tidying. It's truly a team effort when there's six in the house. I think it's great to keep the kids involved in picking up. Builds character!

  7. Ugh! I can't keep up with the cleaning and it drives me insane! With budget cuts in our house recently, my husband insisted on stopping the cleaning ladies (I cried!). The days that they came were the happiest days of my life, and now...they're gone. ;( He promised to help more, and he does but even the day-to-day maintenance of two toddlers is draining. Laundry is my enemy, it consumes my life.

  8. As with everything else in my life, when it is clean I am totally on top of it, once it gets a bit messy I start to get frustrated and slack off a bit. I have a cleaning person 2x a month (I will eat PB&J everyday for lunch for this luxury), but having a sparkling clean house literally takes 2 hours a day, everyday! I think having a truly clean house is not totally possible, last week when I had cleaned everything, I looked into my pull-out trash can and it was so dirty....UGH never ends!


Thanks for the chat friends!