December 10, 2008

She wants to play pattycake

Last night while watching Real Housewives of Orange County I realized that the new housewife Gretchen has an affliction that is bound to drive me crazy. She's a babytalker. Ugggghhh!!!! Yes there is that many g's and exclamation points because girls that talk babytalk drive me crazy.

We've all had a girlfriend that suddenly develops a lisp and voice two octaves higher when a boy is around. Seriously girls, get a hold of yourself. Thankfully it seems as if Gretchen is not nearly as bad as the Queen of Babytalking, at least so far.

[babytalkers pics from here and here]


  1. you crack me up... and for what it's worth i HATE babytalk. like, makes my skin crawl and immediately loose respect for the person who is doing it.

  2. Love the Baby-talk... do it all the time!!! YA RIGHT!!!

    AMEN Sister!!!

  3. You make me laugh! I totally remember you hating that and a few people working at TCs did it and it did drive you bonkers! Sad thing is I think I have one on my hands. But she is 4 so hopefully I can nip it in the bud before she is 24!

  4. Oh my gosh, this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. I HAVE had the friend that did baby talk around her boyfriends. I wanted to locate a stun gun and....
    Oops, it's Christmas time!

  5. Can you believe what a total control freak crazy person that Vicki is?! She is SO awful and thinks SO highly of herself--drives me crazy. It will be interesting with the new girl.

  6. This I did not realize, I'll have to give it another watch just for that. Isn't odd when people break into baby talk, I notice it a lot with animals (I'm guilty of this, and my husband always points it out).


Thanks for the chat friends!