November 28, 2008

Black Friday

So did you do a little shopping today? If you did tell me what you got and was it for you or did you get Christmas gifts?

I'll admit I went out this morning and all I purchased was coffee and some Bobbi Brown for moi. It was more about hanging out with my mom and sister because that's what we like to do for fun, SHOP!

[image from here]


  1. Oh, happy day! I finally got myself an iPod Touch...I've been saving for ages. My hubby went out this morning and got our Christmas gifts for each other...a new flat screen and a laptop. Hooray! As for everyone else? Hmm...their presents exist in my head and will be sewn over coming weekends.

  2. It's just me & my critters - no family... so no shopping (plus I'm broke!!) But if I did have family to shop for - nope... I wouldn't venture out!! lol! I'm not fond of shopping!! I went out to get dog food!!

    The friends I exchange with all are putting a $10 limit... so I'm giving them 11x14 prints of my work!! I'm done shopping!!

  3. I didn't...I avoided the stores like the plague. Had a nice, quiet day at home. We do Secret Santa, so I really don't have much to buy. Oh, and I'm po. ;)

  4. most of my shopping was online...I did venture to one of the boutiques in our sweet downtown and was pleasantly surprised with the inventory :)and picked up a few glittery snowflake ornaments.

  5. it's online shopping for me.
    i might just sneak out for some fun though!

  6. So it sounds like I'm the only sucker that went out and shopped...and I didn't even really buy anything.

  7. While oldest daughter was in gymnastics on Saturday, I popped into Saks outlet and picked up two pair of sweet jeans 30% off. Couldn't resist.

  8. Oh no sweetip-pie... got up @ 4:45am - and went crazy. Having the new house gave me an excuse to buy, buy, buy and we hit every store!!! We even hit a few boutiques!! I am longing to be crafty now!!

  9. Ok Jenn I can't wait to see all of your new home purchases. I have a Christmas crafty for us, I want to make some felt mittens for flatware. Check 'em out here.

    We could totally do these!

  10. i did my fair of damage at american apparel and the nordstrom shoe department. i'm a bad recessionista!


Thanks for the chat friends!