September 16, 2008


The nice thing about a tag is that it comes in rather handy when you have a little blog block. A new blog friend Elena at Breakfast for Dinner tagged me earlier this week, she was inspired by I *Heart* You's Tagging 3's and You Are My Fave's Lists. So here goes.

What are the last three things you purchased:
1. Groceries
2. Pumpkin Spice Latte
3. Method cleaner at Target

What are the last three songs you downloaded:
1. Hmmm, it's been awhile...I think Forever by Chris Brown
2. Viva la Vida by Coldplay
3. ??? Sorry like I said it's been a long time.

What are the last three places you visited?
1. Tucson
2. San Diego
3. Nebraska

What are your three favorite movies?
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Sense and Sensibility
3. Sabrina (the old one)

What are your three favorite possessions?
1. Make-up. I love to play in it.
2. My everyday dishes, I've had them since my wedding and I still LOVE them.
3. Pictures of my darling boys.

What are three things you can't live without?
1. Coffee
2. TV
3. Computer, in that order.

What would be your three wishes?
1. That everyone could have health care.
2. That we could get the Earth in much better shape.
3. Money, money, money...come on, who couldn't use a little more?

What are three things that you have not done yet?
1. Been to Europe, sad but true.
2. Bought something wildly frivolous.
3. Ran a half-marathon, I'm too scared.

What are your 3 favorite dishes?
1. Homemade Mac & Cheese
2. Cupcakes
3. Wine, does that count?

What 3 celebrities would you want to hang out with most?
1. Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck, I think if the hubs and I knew them we'd be BFFs. Not to mention I like that they seem normal.
2. Rachel Zoe because she shuts it down.
3. Oh hell I don't know...Oprah? It might be fun to see how she rolls up close and personal.

If you could describe yourself in 3 words what would it be?
1. Fun
2. Caring
3. Bossy...just a little bit.

What are 3 things you are currently coveting?
1. Fall boots, all shapes, colors and heels.
2. Electra Amsterdam bike
3. Fancy espresso maker

Name 3 things you are unusually good at.
1. Baking
2. Abbreviating any possible words
3. Sleeping after drinking evening coffee

What 3 bloggers would you like to tag?
I'm thinking anyone who wants to do it should. It's always fun to see what people are doing, not to mention it's always nice to have something in the hopper for a post. But I would love to see what Rikki at The Invitation Lady has to say as well as a couple new blogs that I'm diggin', Pittsy's Place and Domestic Reflections.


  1. Thanks, Sarah! By the way, if you love coffee as much as you say you do, you MUST get that fancy espresso maker. It will add so much joy and happiness to your life!

  2. Yay! So excited that you retagged! You sure seem to be quite the lady's lady with your fave movies. Very cute.

  3. Jora, you have no idea how often my husband I and look and try to decide which one would be the best for us. You are right though one of these days.

    Elena, I'm a girlie girl for sure especially with the movies. However I do love to laugh so I will always be down for watching a ridiculous comedy.

  4. Great blog! I had to comment-I love the old Sabrina to!

  5. Sarah: Thanks for the tag. Iposted and passed along today. I read your blog daily. Fun stuff!

  6. Thanks Catherine & Mama BJ so glad you like.

  7. What great fun. And for what it's worth, I totally consider wine a 'dish'! And speaking of dishes, I'm curious to know more about your 'everyday' dishes?!

  8. Olive, I adore your blog and am so intrigued that you and your family live in Italy. My dishes are Denby the pattern is Energy (the gray one) and they are just simple with muted colors sadly I think they have just recently been discontinued.


Thanks for the chat friends!