September 4, 2008

Shrimp, Salsa & Avocado

Football season is here and don't you think this looks like an easy thing to bring to tailgating? Pre-assemble and top with crispy chips right before serving.


  1. forget tailgaiting. i could eat this anywhere. it looks like a little container of heaven!!!! great idea!

    ps- my word verification had keg as the first three letters. beer would compliment this perfectly! :)

  2. I love that KEG was in the verification. I think it's fate and it's telling you to grab a cold one with this yumminess.

  3. totally agree! can't tailgate with out beer! :)

  4. goodness! this is one of my all time favorites - squeeze some lime on top and you're good to go.

  5. Looks d-lish! I'm going to give this a try.

  6. All I can say is YUMMMMM! I have done this with bar-b-que beans and slaw before but this looks over the top!


Thanks for the chat friends!