August 14, 2008

Etsy fabric

I don't know why I have never thought about purchasing fabric from Etsy before, duh. Well thanks to Decor8 I finally have the heads up, what a great place to look for something unique.

{image via Domino}


  1. Rully rully love that fabric... is that the one you bought?

    Also, I am with you on staying up to late for the olympics. My question is, why can't they just cancel Wheel of Fortune (even though I'm a huge fan) and make it start even just a half an hour earlier each night.

    I need my sleep!

  2. Jessie - I didn't actually buy anything I'm just shocked that it's there. I know me being completely stupid :) I'm with you cancel the Wheel! That show is played anyway.


Thanks for the chat friends!