July 10, 2008

Thrill of the hunt

I'm totally in the market for trophies and antique keys so while I'm in Nebraska cross your fingers that I find either.

I know weird, but it's a good place to find antiques. You pretty much buy 'em right from the source so there isn't too many middlemen.

{Both images from Paris Hotel Boutique}


  1. I love old trophies...especially the smell... I know strange??

    Have a great vacation :)

  2. I know! Kansas and Neb have awesome antique stores. Good luck!

  3. How fun! What will you do with them? I have a collection of trophies so I'm dying to hear if you have some spectacular idea for them!
    Sally Wheat

  4. Truly a girl after my own heart ...can't wait to see what you bring back !

  5. those key fobs are fantastic!! i kinda want all of them.

  6. Sadly ladies, I'm leaving the best shopping area in the morning and didn't get a chance to do much with my two shrimps. :( However we have had a wonderful time so far and are headed to a wedding tomorrow.

  7. Sounds fun - hope you find your treasures!

  8. I totally have a thing for old keys! Love these pictures!


Thanks for the chat friends!