July 18, 2008

He's in their clutches

Is it bad that I my two year old points out this logo every time he sees it and says, "Look Mommy, it's copsie" just in case I might miss the Starbucks, therefore missing my caffeine which in their eyes probably makes me much nicer.


  1. one of my niece's first big words was Starbucks. She asks to go there sometimes....oh, and she's two and a half!

  2. Crazy isn't it? My boys get all woo hoo anytime they see a Starbucks bag because they think I have gotten them a treat.

  3. Aw, nice lookin' out! It's ok. I've got a $4.71 daily addiction, myself. I feel ya, sista!

  4. My little boy has recognized the symbol for a long time, and he's only 3 now. He used to say "There's fachi". That was his way of saying coffee.


Thanks for the chat friends!