April 15, 2008

Uggghhh, Miss Wishy-Washy

I hate to say this because I thought I liked her, but does Audrina bug you guys lately as much as she bugs me? She agrees with whoever she's talking with and it drives me bananas. Last season it seemed she had some backbone, but I'm thinking this season not so much.
{Image via MTV}


  1. Do you know how bizarre it is that you wrote this?! We were just sitting in my office talking about this very thing, she DOES bug! It's those far away lost looks, the overall non-chalant-ness, the half open eyes. And did you see the preview for next week - yes, Justin Bobby is back, be afraid.

  2. I wish she had more of a backbone. Being nice is not the same as being a pushover. I hate that most people see that as one in the same!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ok, for silly reasons I stopped watching this blasted show this season. Now you have me wondering...I actually loved Audrina. Now I need to see how she's changed. I hate to say this but maybe it's scripted this way?

  5. Scripted??? The Hills... NO, it can't be!!I love the ture reality of this show. Audrina just bugs me in general alwyas has always will. But this season she is definitely annoying!! Girlfriend needs a backbone!!

  6. Just the fact that Justin-Bobby is on his way back to the show just weirds me out. He is beyond gross, has he ever heard of a shower?

  7. she has no personality!!! i love your blog..personality galore! :)


Thanks for the chat friends!