April 29, 2008

Oh where do I find the perfect headboard?

So it's 8 o'clock and I hear a thud followed by a cry coming from my Little's room. I go in and I find him crying on the floor. I'm sad, so sad for him and also for me because I now have that kid that climbs out of his crib. My older son never tried to climb out, he was the easy one now I have my Little who is a different story. He laughs and hides his face when I ask him for a kiss, he just turned two and I have gotten ONE, yes only one kiss from that kid.

So now I'm panicked I have to find him a bed. I have yet to find the perfect headboard, I thought for sure I had just a bit more time. I don't want a bed with a footboard because it takes a lot of space and makes things difficult for climbing in and or playing on it. I don't really want painted furniture because it looks beat up (not just mildly distressed, like a kid has beat the crap out of it) after like a day, so seriously what's a girl to do? I have looked everywhere I feel like and nothing has said, "buy me". Any suggestions?


  1. What about an upholstered headboard? You could pick whatever shape and fabric you want, and it should be nice and padded for the little guy. You can get your upholsterer to make siderails out of the same fabric...looks a little more boyish than a dust ruffle. Good luck with your search!

  2. Thank you so much Anon I was looking today and decided this was my best solution. You are a genius because I was turning into a major freak. I do that sometimes, slightly obsess. :)


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