April 13, 2008

Honestly, do you or don't you....

Lately I have been into reading the blogs of those with kids. It gives me a great sense of commiseration. It's nice to see I'm not the only one out there with a 2 year old that is currently called "Buzzkill". I really love reading the ones that still appear to have a sense of style, but I wonder....These are the folks that I imagine buy the toys that have some sense of design, you know the ones that don't clash with what they have going on in their casa. I don't know, I just don't buy it. I wonder if they have a secret stash of Justice League figurines or ratty-haired Barbies hidden somewhere. When my son really wants Transformers or something equally not attractive, I usually give in if it's what he really wants. So my question to you is do you or don't you?

Is it this...

or this?

I suppose out of sight out of mind; if you don't see it who cares right? But we have toy fiesta here everyday that involves a serious amount of clean up so I know that not seeing it is not always an option. Not to play devil's advocate, really just super curious. You stylish peeps out there does your sense of design dictate everything in the house?


  1. I say a little of both (and hide the Mattel when fashionistas come over!).

  2. My son is now 10 years old and has his own 'sense of style' which he likes to point out is because of me! But do I agree with his 'sense'? Not entirely, so his room is his own to decorate but the rest of the house is MINE!!!

  3. Honestly I just wondered because I always read people saying they don't want all of the colorful, plastic, big box store stuff which I understand but sometimes it is a necessary evil (at least to me).

  4. I couldn't agree more. Wooden blocks are nice, but what about Legos? And even when I tried to impose my sense of aesthetics on my children's toy box, the grandparents weren't on board at all, and you can imagine how that turned out.


Thanks for the chat friends!