Or in this case tumblr crush. The images that Brown Dress With White Dots has collected are stunning. These photos of hands are some of my faves.
December 29, 2011
December 28, 2011
Me and the week
So Christmas is finally over, anyone with a post holiday hangover? Not quite yet for me other than averting my eyes to my kids' Christmas toy extravaganza. We had a great holiday filled with lots of fun family activities. This week has already flown by too, I'm not ready to send my boys back to school. This may or may not change by Monday but we'll see.
This is what is on the agenda for this week:
- Make breakfast cookies. I think I saw the recipe in Bon Appetit, but I'm not sure.
- Make round 2 Butternut Squash soup with ginger and curry. I'm adjusting the recipe and when it's perfected I'll share here on the blog.
- Sort/toss/donate the kids' toys. We have lots. Thankfully Little is willing to part with them because he likes his stuff tidy, Big not so much. I will be sneaking bags of his old toys into my husband's trunk at night I just know it.
- I'm going to Alt Summit in a couple of weeks with Marni and Jaimee and I need to plan outfits. They're having a white party. Yes you heard me right, now I have to find something cute and white for frigid snowy Utah. Arggh, really people white?! I will most likely look like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man because my idea of cold is 60 degrees.
- Plan something fun for the kids on New Year's Eve. This is not my specialty so if you think of anything please pass ideas my way, I'm hopeless.
What's going on this week with you guys?
December 20, 2011
Sometimes I get a little forgetful,I don't stop to savor moments often enough. I just keep plowing through the days, checking my boxes usually with a smile. Generally I'm a pretty happy person, wound a little tightly I suppose but I love having fun. I'm always just getting through one task and then I'm off to the next like some crazy lady. Today I had a reminder of how one or two things that you do each day affect others and it feels really good. So I think I'm the one who needs a reminder to stop once in awhile.
Starburst Card Display
I might be the only person in the world without a starburst mirror but if I had one I would totally do it up with Christmas cards just like this.
What a smartie.
{from here}
December 19, 2011
Make it :: Nativity Set
It's Christmas break so what to do while we're all home? Yesterday we decorated cookies and today this is what we're working on. Printable nativity sets designed by Marloes de Vries, a Dutch illustrator. Fits two of my most basic criteria, easy and free! There's two options just print and cut or color/print/cut. I opted for the coloring ones just to make the activity a little more hands on. Just print them out on card stock get to work.
They're each coloring all of the players in the nativity now, I just need to find another box so they can each make their own stable.
{via How About Orange}
December 16, 2011
Last day
The kids get out of school today. I'm excited, so are they.
Like super excited. Cookies, lights, Christmas movies, park days, all the good stuff.
December 12, 2011
Tea Collection
Tea Collection sent the boys each an outfit and here they are in their cuteness.
Little looks adorable in his trendy navajo inspired sweater, he sported it on Thanksgiving.
And Big is loving his ensemble, comfy and sporty at the same time. Win-win in his book.
They both get a little carried away with their modeling moves!
In all seriousness though Tea Collection has the cutest stuff and I was beyond excited when they sent the kids looks to try out. I'd been dying over their collection and now I can honestly say they (and me) love it. This is just the boy stuff, their girl looks are beyond!
Sidenote: I was given clothes from Tea Collection and in the spirit of full disclosure I thought I'd share. I never post about content that I don't personally endorse. For me to share I have to know that you will like/love/want the items that I'm posting about. Not to fret, I won't lead you down the wrong path!
December 9, 2011
December 1, 2011
Skirt it
For the last year or so I've really been into skirts, long ones with lots of gathers. It has yet to make an appearance in my home but I like to admire from a far.
Are you a tailored or a gatherer?